

May 07

The Framerunners – Newsletter for May, 2015


What’s new on the website?

I have been adding short tales to the Vignettes section of the website (also reachable by clicking on the Stories menu). Currently there are four vignettes posted. Some of these may end up being teasers for upcoming story lines (including the book to follow In the Company of Angels, which is already in progress!), but there are no guarantees. That said, if you really, really like a particular vignette, let me know and perhaps we’ll explore some aspect of that scene going forward.

I have updated the illustrations online gallery (located at http://jefmurray.com/framerunners/the-gallery/ ) through the sketch of Polydora Alone. Each image can be clicked to order prints, if you are interested in doing so.


Where are we now?

Spoiler Alert for those not up-to-date on the tale!!!

Episode 11.2 had the Framerunners all returning to Orbaratus, just as Polydora is standing in the breach of the broken gate confronting the now-emerging Masters. Jill and Sam have captured the raven and have retrieved the two Guarding Stones that it had stolen. Luke and Azarias have returned from Italy, and Azarias has brought with him a staff with an unusual crystal atop it.

If you have not read In the Company of Angels up to the end of Episode 11.2, you can start from the beginning here. At the end of each episode, you’ll find a link that will take you to the next installment in the tale.

Where are we headed?

Spoiler Alert for those not up-to-date on the tale!!!

In Episode 11.2, we were left with a cliff-hanger. We know Polydora was last seen standing alone before the broken gate, but will the other Framerunners have returned in time to save her? More importantly, will they have returned in time to prevent the escape of the Masters into Orbaratus, and from there into other worlds? And, how will they stop them now that the gate has been broken?

We’ll find out this week with the start of the two-part thriller, The Crucible.

How else can I get involved?

We have set up two discussion pages on Facebook and on Google+, both of which are entitled “Framerunners’ Forum”. Please feel free to join these groups and post questions or observations there. You can also post comments on the individual episodes on the website going forward, and I welcome pointers to typos, to any aspect of the tale that is unclear, etc. My ongoing thanks to so many of you for helping me correct error and to clean up the text in places that needed it!

Our email list continues to grow, and I encourage everyone to join! List information will never be shared with anyone else for any reason, period.

Many of you have posted comments and questions after the online episodes. Please continue to do so! I’m happy to answer questions as long as I don’t reveal any spoilers (regarding this I have been warned quite sternly by a couple of readers ;-).

I’m continuing to try to learn about homeschool groups and YA literature groups that may be interested in The Framerunners. If you know of young readers in your own families or community whom you believe would enjoy these stories, please have them join our email list and/or like our FB or Google+ pages!

In any event, if you are enjoying what you’re reading, do spread the word! The more folks we have reading and enjoying the stories, the more fun it is for all of us!


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