In the Company of Angels

Jill Jonsson meets Sam Deckard and Luke Lester and embarks on an unexpected adventure. Along the way, she learns of the existence of an Order of special men and women who have kept a secret from the rest of mankind for centuries, and who need her help to prevent a great castastrophe from overtaking our world. 


14_11_4368s_Hazel_and_jill001_BW_enh_800 Episode 1.1 – A Rumpus in the Library


14_11_4371s_Crystal_sketch001_BW_enh_800 Episode 1.2 – A Rumpus in the Library (cont.)


You can continue to read In the Company of Angels in book and ebook forms once they are published. For release dates and cost, please check with the folks at Oloris Publishing. Currently, In the Company of Angels is expected to become available in early fall 2015.